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I am a researcher examining the role of law and legal actors in human-animal welfare by exploring the translation of policy into practice. The areas of research I am interested in include animal protection organizations, equity, diversity, and inclusion, human-animal work and humane jobs, human-animal violence link, organizational challenge and change, and sociolegal organizations and leaders. Through my dedication to learning mindfully about others' lived experiences, I’ve received several awards, including the Health Research Center for the Study of Violence Against Women Scholarship and the Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) twice. 

My pet dog, a Chinese Crested Hairless named Stevie, and I love cutting loose in dog sports. Stevie has earned his Rally FrEe Novice Skills title (R-FE/NS), his Intermediate Trick Dog Title (ITD), and his Novice Stunt Dog Title (NSD). We recently won a first place ribbon in a dog sport called Musical Freestyle. I also volunteer as a puppy raiser by providing a loving home for future service dogs. In my role I am responsible to raise, socialize, teach obedience and house manners to prepare the dogs for Dog Guide University where they learn their specialized skills. When I want to unwind, you can find me in the backcountry viewing wildlife. 

Photo by Tamara Rose Photography out of Guelph Ontario 

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